Separation Anxiety is one of the most difficulty issues to try to manage or correct. There is separation anxiety which the pet will have actual panic attacks and could even hurt himself and separation distress. With distress you may note some barking, pooping even though they are house trained, or shredding of your belongings. The first step is prevention if possible. When you get a new puppy start from day one by leaving it alone for short periods of time so that the puppy can learn to self soothe. If you notice some distress when you leave maybe start with sitting within eye sight of the puppy while giving them a chew toy. After some time gradually increase the distance you sit from them. Then you can disappear for short periods of time and return before they have time to stress. Once the puppy learns that you are coming back you can increase the time you leave them. If your pet doesn’t tolerate being alone daycare or letting them stay with family or friends when your away might be an option. One could also seek behavioral professional help and/or drug interventions. Anti-anxiety medications often ease the fear of being alone but don’t count on that solving the issue. Another option would be getting your pet a canine friend to play with that often works. Just remember you are your dog’s world!

Chloe’s puppies turned three weeks old
Chloe’s adorable dachshund puppies have officially turned three weeks old! It feels like just yesterday they were tiny, wiggling newborns,